Business Essentials
Want to Know the Secret to Getting More Referrals?

Want to Know the Secret to Getting More Referrals?


It shouldn’t be a secret but unfortunately because so few people have the discipline to follow the steps to get referrals, it very much looks like one. It’s yours to take advantage of!

How would you feel if I told you the one thing you need to do to have nearly a 100% success rate in being introduced (referred) by your existing clients…

Now you’d listen wouldn’t you!

Well here goes… research has shown that when you build a high level of engagement with a client, creating the highest level of trust and relationship “glue” possible, there’s almost a 100% certainty that they will refer you to someone that they know could use what you do!

Why… because you’ve built trust and they are reaffirming in their own mind their own wisdom in deciding to work with you in the first place.

This research is done, year after year, and it gets very much the same results over time. So you should be asking what does “high engagement” mean.

Here goes:

  • being “in touch” with a client at least once every 2-3 weeks
  • when you connect with them don’t focus on what you’re providing to them instead make it all about their personal interests
  • don’t pepper them with your stuff… like newsletters, reports, etc. You’re going to send those anyways and they add little in the way of personal relationship building value

Its all really very simple… try it by selecting a group of clients and then determine what it is that they really care about personally. Then focus on building your dialogue around these and watch what happens!


One more vital fact… the survey also shows that if you don’t have that high level of engagement… the incidence of actually getting referred falls to below 10%! So you decide… 100% or 10%. Its pretty clear now, isn’t it!

This is all part of a simple, proven and easy to implement process that we call building your referral team.

You can see how to start at https://engagepro.com/partners/alignable/  

About The Author

EngagePro Editorial Team

Editorial Team

Now there’s a proven solution to the challenge most SMBs and professionals face in getting new business. EngagePro helps you build success by providing an easy-to-use, software tool and training focused on your growing “know, like and trust” relationships to produce new sales, referrals and your own trusted referral team.